In late 2013, Parcel D was subdivided into six residential lots (within the Residential Zoning District) as shown in the subdivision image shown below. These large lots (80 feet by 127 feet) are well suited for most types of residential development, and are available for sale at $7,500.00 per lot. Development for each lot requires the installation of an on-site septic and well for water.
Lots are still available, so any interested party should contact the Village Administration for more information. Secure your future residential lot by purchasing a lot and begin preparing your future home in Mervin!
Additional residential subdivision are in the drafting phase and will be posted soon. The Village supports all forms of residential development, so any potential developer is encouraged to contact the Village for more information.

The Village of Mervin also requires the submission of a permit when individuals plan on demolishing a building, or moving a building into, through, or from the community. The purpose of this permit is to assist the Village in informing residents if main transportation routes need to be prepared for the transport of large structures or machinery. For example, the movement of a Ready-to-Move (RTM) building into the community may require the movement of power lines, removal of parked cars, or the clearing of snow on streets. Communication with Village Administration will make the movement of large structures and equipment easier for all stakeholders involved.
Village of Mervin Permit for Structure Demolition or Movement
All developments within the Village of Mervin requires the submission of a development permit prior to constructing any building within the Village. Download this form and either email, fax, or mail in the application to begin the development process. Until the new Zoning Bylaw comes into effect for the Village, this form must be provided prior to development.
Please note that for residential and commercial development, the 1983 Zoning Bylaw stipulates that not more than one (1) principal building can be located on one site, and submit with your development permit application the following items:
A site plan showing appropriate building dimensions of all buildings or structures on the lot;
A floor plan of the principal building, complete with room descriptions;
Pictures of the building (model drawings and renderings are accepted); and,
The application processing fee.
Village of Mervin Development Permit Application
Being uniquely located along Highway 26, and a bedroom community for the Town of Turtleford that is 9 km north, Mervin has wonderful development potential for residential, and commercial uses. Below, there is information regarding what types of development are encouraged within the community, and any relevant documentation and forms needed to begin developing. Feel free to peruse our areas of development, and contact Village Administration if you have any questions.
The Village of Mervin is currently undergoing the development of a new Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw. As growth continues within the region, Council is proactively looking at designating certain areas for residential, recreational, and commercial development. As the planning process continues, new information, policies, maps, and regulations will be added to make it easy for residents and developers to know what development is encouraged within the community.
Currently, the Village of Mervin has a Zoning Bylaw that was written in 1983 that will remain in effect until the new Zoning Bylaw is approved by Council and the Community Planning Branch. Until the new Zoning Bylaw becomes effective, the Village is actively amending the existing Zoning Bylaw to accommodate changes and growth within the community. Questions regarding the interpretation of the Zoning Bylaw can be answered by Administration located within the Mervin Complex, or visit our Contact page for alternative methods to contact Administration.
The Village of Mervin is located adjacent to Highway 26 that travels adjacent to the community, which allows for great highway commercial development opportunities. This highway corridor is well suited for auto-oriented businesses, or operations that require larger lot sizes and easy accessibility to primary road networks.
Currently, future commercial development subdivision along Highway 26 are within the drafting phase, so future lots may become available. The Village welcomes ideas and new commercial development within the municipality, and contacting the Village Office for more information is a great place to start. For more information about development surrounding the Village, contact the RM of Mervin Municipal Planner for more information.

Similar to commercial development above, the Village of Mervin also has Industrial Development potential along Highway 26 that would provide larger lot sizes and accessibility for industrial development. However, the Town of Turtleford does have available serviced lots within the Town's Industrial District, so interested developers can also contact the Town Office for more information. For Village development opportunities contact Administration for more information, and for more information about developing in the RM of Mervin, contact the RM of Mervin Municipal Planner.